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Versione Italiana

Versione Italiana

ALAIMO & STRAZZERI s.n.c. is a Sicilian business placed in Delia (CL). It operates in the production, Sicilian commercialisation and distribution of typical Sicilian products. The realization of the own products happens following the old methods adopted from the civilization peasant approaching to these simple and genuine ingredients. The “Cuddrireddra” is a cake with a round shape like a crown which secret resides in a somewhat complex working and in the adoption of old instruments hand on from mother to daughter.



La A & S advertises and distributes its products all across Italy.

Our products are realized following ancient traditions.

The “Cuddrireddra” of Delia is a Presidium Slow Food product.


The pages that follow could not be reproduced or use without the preventive authorization of the A & S s.n.c.

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